5782 Membership Drive & HIGH HOLIDAY Seating
September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2022
Join us! Single and Family memberships are available.
No question, the past year has been difficult for everyone but, B"H, we got through it and our shul has been a rock throughout — never shutting down; a constant safe haven for learning and davening.
Because of the difficulties that many have endured over the past year, we are trying something new by offering "recommended" fees, which are the same as last year:
Family (includes 2 seats) $1,600.00
Single (includes 1 seat) $950.00 USD
Family Associate (does not include seats) $1,100.00 USD
Single Associate (does not include seats) $775.00 USD
Full Payment
Installment Plan
Buy Additional High Holiday Seats
Adult Seats (21 & Older) @ $225.00 each
Child Seats @ $175 each
Non-Member Adult Seats @ $400.00
Non-Member Child Seats @ $200.00
To purchase additional seats, click the donate button, add up the total and fill in the dollar amount, tell us which seats you need in the comment box.